GNOME Partition Editor

Developing GParted using Git

The leading edge of GParted development is managed under the GNOME git repository.

Browse git visually or read GNOME git instructions.


How to build GParted using git

  1. Be sure to install the dependencies for GParted.

    These are described in the "Building from source" portion of the README file.

  2. Checkout a copy of the source code from the git repository:
        git clone
  3. Compile the GParted source code into an executable:
        cd gparted
  4. Install the GParted executable (as root):
        make install

How to create your first GParted patch using git

  1. Clone the git repository locally:
        git clone
  2. Set your name and email address:
        git config --global "Joe Bloggs"
        git config --global ""
  3. Create a new branch and switch to it:
        cd gparted
        git checkout -b feature
  4. Edit the code, compile and test it.
        # Use favourite editor
        su root -c src/gpartedbin
  5. Commit change to git:
        git add file1 file2 ...
        git commit
    Compose a suitable commit message:

    Short one line summary of change (#999999)

    Optional longer description explaining why the change is necessary.
    Include details that will help the reviewer understand how the code
    is broken and being fixed or why this change is an improvement.

    Bug #999999 - GNOME Bugzilla one line summary

    Formatting Tips

    • Long lines should be wrapped at 72 characters, including quoted text and document fragments.
    • Quoted command line output should not be wrapped.
    • When including GParted commit IDs just include SHA1 value.
      (gitk and GitLab on convert them into local clickable links).
    • When quoting a commit ID of another package use the full Git web URL so that, at least to humans, it is clear it is a foreign commit ID. (gitk and cgit still make just the SHA1 clickable to a non-existent local commit though).

    TIP:   Improve Patch Readability

    Make large and complicated changes as a series of smaller changes by repeating steps 4 and 5 as necessary. Note that each incremental patch should compile and run properly.

  6. Create a patch file:
        git format-patch master -n --stdout > ~/mypatch.mbox
  7. Final review, apply, compile and test:
        cd /tmp
        git clone gparted-test
        cd gparted-test
        git am ~/mypatch.mbox
        su root -c src/gpartedbin

    TIP:   Ensure patch applies cleanly

    When applying the patch, make sure it applies cleanly. For example there should be no messages appearing such as trailing whitespace.

    See Bug 696471 - Fix trailing whitespace errors for a discussion of why we only fix existing trailing whitespace in GParted patch-by-patch, and for ideas on how to avoid trailing whitespace.

  8. Attach ~/mypatch.mbox to your GNOME bug report with a few words.

Verifying every change of a patch set compiles

NOTE:   Ensuring that every change in a multi patch set compiles is important for incremental testability and enabling the use of git bisect in searching for the commit which introduced a bug.

  1. One time set-up of git-test-sequence and
        mkdir -p ~/bin
        cd ~/bin
        chmod 755 git-test-sequence
        chmod 755
  2. Clone GParted for testing:
        cd /tmp
        git clone gparted-test
        cd gparted-test
  3. Apply and test build every patch in the set:
        git am ~/review-patchset.mbox
        git-test-sequence origin/master..

Further information on and git-test-sequence follows. is for developers to build GParted in a git repository, appending the top commit and build results to the log file testbuild.log. It is intended for use with git-test-sequence to verify every commit in a patch set compiles, but it can be used standalone too.

Build current code:

    rm testbuild.log
    echo $?
    less testbuild.log

Parameters on the command line are passed to, which in turn are passed on to configure. See the INSTALL file for details on parameters to configure. Example: --prefix=/usr

By default instructs make to use the number of processors in the machine as the number of jobs to run simultaneously. This is to minimise build time. This can be overridden by specifying the required parameters to make in the MAKEFLAGS environment variable. See make(1) for details of parameters to make. Example:

      MAKEFLAGS='-j 2 -w'

Build current code specifying both alternative make flags and configure parameters:

    rm testbuild.log
    MAKEFLAGS='-j 2 -w' --prefix=/usr
    echo $?
    less testbuild.log


git-test-sequence (blog: git test-sequence: Push Working Changes) allows a sequence of git commits to be tested. The range of commits is specified using standard git commit ranges syntax (about 2/3 down the page). Combined with it allows us to verify every change of a patch set compiles.

Git-test-sequence records test results in the local git repository object store allowing it to report immediately when passed tests are re-run again.


    git-test-sequence <commit_range> <test_program>

Normal case would be to apply patch set for review and test build all commits between upstream master and current head:

    cd /tmp
    git clone gparted-test
    cd gparted-test
    git am ~/review-patchset.mbox
    git-test-sequence origin/master..

Test build a range of commits while also specifying parameters to configure and alternative make flags:

    cd /tmp
    git clone gparted-test
    cd gparted-test
    MAKEFLAGS='-j 2 -w' git-test-sequence GPARTED_0_14_1..GPARTED_0_15_0 ' --prefix=/usr'

On failure examine the log file testbuild.log for details.

Suggested References

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