GParted live 1.7.0-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2025/Jan/31). * New upstream GParted 1.7.0. * Linux kernel was updated to 6.12.11-1. * Three packages are added in the live system: bcachefs-tools, bcache-tools, util-linux-extra. -- Steven Shiau Fri, 31 Jan 2025 07:17:00 +0800 GParted live 1.7.0-beta1-2 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2025/Jan/24). * Three packages are added in the live system: bcachefs-tools, bcache-tools, util-linux-extra. -- Steven Shiau Fri, 24 Jan 2025 08:26:00 +0800 GParted live 1.7.0-beta1-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2025/Jan/23). * New upstream GParted 1.7.0-betea1. * Linux kernel was updated to 6.12.10-1. -- Steven Shiau Thu, 23 Jan 2025 09:59:00 +0800 GParted live 1.6.0-12 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2024/Nov/10). * Linux kernel was updated to 6.11.6-1. -- Steven Shiau Sun, 10 Nov 2024 16:01:00 +0800 GParted live 1.6.0-11 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2024/Oct/18). * Linux kernel was updated to 6.11.2-1. -- Steven Shiau Fri, 18 Oct 2024 20:28:00 +0800 GParted live 1.6.0-10 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2024/Sep/28). * Linux kernel was updated to 6.10.11-1. -- Steven Shiau Sat, 28 Sep 2024 11:07:00 +0800 GParted live 1.6.0-6 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2024/Jun/28). * Package pm-utils is included now. Thanks to Nono for this suggestion. * Removed package cpufrequtils from lists of live system. It's not in the Debian repo anymore. -- Steven Shiau Fri, 28 Jun 2024 11:28:00 +0800 GParted live 1.6.0-5 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2024/Jun/05). * Linux kernel was updated to 6.8.12-1. * Force to use zenity as the dialog in GParted live's program gl-screenshot. No more using gdialog or Xdialog since they are not available in Debian repo. Ref: -- Steven Shiau Wed, 05 Jun 2024 10:52:00 +0800 GParted live 1.6.0-3 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2024/Apr/08). * Grub was updated to 2.12-2. -- Steven Shiau Mon, 08 Apr 2024 19:55:00 +0800 GParted live 1.6.0-2 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2024/Apr/04). * Linux kernel was updated to 6.7.9-2. * xz-utils was reverted back to the 5.4.5-0.2 version. -- Steven Shiau Thu, 04 Apr 2024 23:15:00 +0800 GParted live 1.6.0-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2024/Feb/27). * New upstream GParted 1.6.0. * Linux kernel was updated to 6.6.15-2. -- Steven Shiau Tue, 27 Feb 2024 13:15:00 +0800 GParted live 1.6.0-beta1-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2024/Feb/22). * Linux kernel was updated to 6.6.15-2. -- Steven Shiau Thu, 22 Feb 2024 16:05:00 +0800 GParted live 1.5.0-6 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2023/Sep/03). * Linux kernel was updated to 6.4.13-1. * An issue about no prompt for ejecting CD when rebooting/halting was fixed. -- Steven Shiau Sun, 03 Sep 2023 10:25:00 +0800 GParted live 1.5.0-5 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2023/Aug/29). * Linux kernel was updated to 6.4.11-1. -- Steven Shiau Tue, 29 Aug 2023 15:38:00 +0800 GParted live 1.5.0-3 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2023/Jul/01). * Linux kernel was updated to 6.3.7-1. -- Steven Shiau Sat, 01 Jul 2023 15:28:00 +0800 GParted live 1.5.0-2 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2023/Mar/11). * Linux kernel was updated to 6.1.15-1. -- Steven Shiau Sat, 11 Mar 2023 13:46:00 +0800 GParted live 1.5.0-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2023/Feb/22). * New upstream GParted 1.5.0. * Linux kernel was updated to 6.1.12-1. -- Steven Shiau Wed, 22 Feb 2023 08:52:00 +0800 GParted live 1.5.0-beta1-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2023/Feb/14). * New upstream GParted 1.5.0-beta1. * Linux kernel was updated to 6.1.11-1. -- Steven Shiau Tue, 14 Feb 2023 20:05:00 +0800 GParted live 1.4.0-6 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2022/Nov/03). * Linux kernel was updated to 6.0.6-2. * More packages are included in this release: vim, pv, htop, bmon, nmon, zutils, pigz, xz-utils, zstd, zip, unzip, colordiff, xxd, vbindiff, cifs-utils, smbclient, nmap, xrdp, rdesktop, usbutils, vlan, parallel. Ref: -- Steven Shiau Thu, 03 Nov 2022 21:55:00 +0800 GParted live 1.4.0-5 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2022/Jul/15). * Linux kernel was updated to 5.18.5-1. -- Steven Shiau Fri, 15 Jul 2022 08:19:00 +0800 GParted live 1.4.0-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2022/Mar/29). * New upstream GParted 1.4.0. * Linux kernel was updated to 5.16.14-1. -- Steven Shiau Tue, 29 Mar 2022 09:07:00 +0800 GParted live 1.4.0-beta1-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2022/Mar/17). * New upstream GParted 1.4.0-beta1. -- Steven Shiau Fri, 18 Mar 2022 06:11:00 +0800 GParted live 1.3.1-8 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2022/Mar/14). * Linux kernel was updated to 5.16.12-1. -- Steven Shiau Tue, 15 Mar 2022 08:45:00 +0800 GParted live 1.3.1-5 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2022/Feb/14). * Linux kernel was updated to 5.16.7-2. -- Steven Shiau Mon, 14 Feb 2022 20:50:00 +0800 GParted live 1.3.1-3 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2021/Sep/26). * Linux kernel was updated to 5.14.6-2. * Skip starting gparted if "no-gparted-start" is assigned in the boot parameters. Ref: -- Steven Shiau Sun, 26 Sep 2021 11:16:00 +0800 GParted live 1.3.1-2 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2021/Sep/03). * Linux kernel was updated to 5.10.46-4. -- Steven Shiau Fri, 03 Sep 2021 19:35:00 +0800 GParted live 1.3.1-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2021/Jul/20). Major changes from 1.3.0-1 * New upstream GParted 1.3.1. * Linux kernel was updated to 5.10.46-1. * Package gvfs was added. -- Steven Shiau Tue, 20 Jul 2021 19:10:00 +0800 GParted live 1.3.1-beta1-3 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2021/Jul/17). * Add package gvfs, which address the issue that yelp does not open GParted help manual. Ref: -- Steven Shiau Sat, 17 Jul 2021 22:35:00 +0800 GParted live 1.3.1-beta1-2 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2021/Jul/14). * Add package at-spi2-core. -- Steven Shiau Wed, 14 Jul 2021 17:22:00 +0800 GParted live 1.3.1-beta1-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2021/Jul/13). * New upstream GParted 1.3.1-beta1. * Linux kernel was updated to 5.10.46-1. -- Steven Shiau Tue, 13 Jul 2021 18:03:00 +0800 GParted live 1.3.0-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2021/May/04). * New upstream GParted 1.3.0. -- Steven Shiau Tue, 04 May 2021 21:30:00 +0800 GParted live 1.3.0-beta1-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2021/Apr/27). * New upstream GParted 1.3.0-beta1. * Linux kernel was updated to 5.10.28-1. -- Steven Shiau Tue, 27 Apr 2021 22:51:00 +0800 GParted live 1.2.0-3 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2021/Apr/05). * Linux kernel was updated to 5.10.26-1. * Add package hexedit. Ref: * Disable sleep and hibernate. Ref: -- Steven Shiau Mon, 05 Apr 2021 12:35:00 +0800 GParted live 1.2.0-2 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2021/Feb/16). * Linux kernel was updated to 5.10.13-1. * Include the new package nwipe. Thanks to bruno.forcier for asking this. Ref: -- Steven Shiau Tue, 16 Feb 2021 23:13:00 +0800 GParted live 1.2.0-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2021/Jan/26). * New upstream GParted 1.2.0. * Linux kernel was updated to 5.10.9-1. -- Steven Shiau Tue, 26 Jan 2021 21:31:00 +0800 GParted live 1.2.0-beta1-2 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2021/Jan/19). * New upstream GParted 1.2.0-beta1. * Linux kernel was updated to 5.10.5-1. * Package exfatprogs is included. -- Steven Shiau Tue, 19 Jan 2021 19:54:00 +0800 GParted live 1.1.0-9 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2021/Jan/05). * Linux kernel was updated to 5.10.4-1. -- Steven Shiau Tue, 05 Jan 2021 10:42:00 +0800 GParted live 1.1.0-8 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2020/Nov/21). * Enable the online doc of GParted live. Package yelp is included now. * Linux kernel was updated to 5.9.9-1. * Calculator is galculator, no more calcoo since it does not exist in Debian Sid. -- Steven Shiau Sat, 21 Nov 2020 17:43:00 +0800 GParted live 1.1.0-6 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2020/Oct/27). * Linux kernel was updated to 5.9.1-1. -- Steven Shiau Tue, 27 Oct 2020 01:27:00 +0800 GParted live 1.1.0-5 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2020/Jul/03). * Export linux_cmd and initrd_cmd in grub.cfg, i.e., make them as global variables so that the submenu can use that, too. -- Steven Shiau Fri, 03 Jul 2020 20:37:00 +0800 GParted live 1.1.0-3 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2020/Jul/01). * Linux kernel was updated to 5.7.6-1. * Bug fixed: version 1.1.0-2 i686 version failed to boot on 64-bit uEFI machine. -- Steven Shiau Wed, 01 Jul 2020 18:23:00 +0800 GParted live 1.1.0-2 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2020/Jun/17). * Linux kernel was updated to 5.6.14-2. -- Steven Shiau Wed, 17 Jun 2020 08:21:00 +0800 GParted live 1.1.0-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2020/Jan/21). * Linux kernel was updated to 5.4.13-1. * New upstream GParted 1.1.0. It's compiled with options --disable-libparted-dmraid --disable-doc. -- Steven Shiau Tue, 21 Jan 2020 11:45:00 +0800 GParted live 1.1.0-beta1-3 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2020/Jan/14). * New upstream GParted 1.1.0-beta1. It's compiled with options --disable-libparted-dmraid --disable-doc. * Fix an issue about which failed to run. -- Steven Shiau Tue, 14 Jan 2020 20:38:00 +0800 GParted live 1.1.0-beta1-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2020/Jan/12). * Linux kernel was updated to 5.4.8-1. * New upstream GParted 1.1.0-beta1. It's compiled with new dependence gtkmm3 and with options --disable-libparted-dmraid --disable-doc. -- Steven Shiau Sun, 12 Jan 2020 16:17:00 +0800 GParted live 1.0.0-6 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2019/Oct/04). * Linux kernel was updated to 5.2.17-1. -- Steven Shiau Fri, 04 Oct 2019 13:17:00 +0800 GParted live 1.0.0-4 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2019/Jul/25). * Linux kernel was updated to 4.19.37-6. * Separate 32-bit and 64-bit syslinux when running Thanks to Martin Mokrejs for reporting this issue. Ref: -- Steven Shiau Thu, 25 Jul 2019 06:25:00 +0800 GParted live 1.0.0-3 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2019/Jun/27). * Linux kernel was updated to 4.19.37-5. * Package live-boot has been patched to be version 1:20190627-drbl1: which uses ntfs-3g instead of kernel module ntfs.ko to mount the file system. Since Linux kernel 4.19.37-1 from Debian has dropped the support of ntfs.ko. -- Steven Shiau Fri, 28 Jun 2019 06:49:00 +0800 GParted live 1.0.0-2 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2019/Jun/11). * Package live-boot has been patched to be version 1:20180603-drbl3: which addresses this memdisk issue: -- Steven Shiau Wed, 12 Jun 2019 07:07:00 +0800 GParted live 1.0.0-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2019/May/30). * New upstream GParted 1.0.0. It's compiled with new dependence gtkmm3 and with options --disable-libparted-dmraid --disable-doc. * Linux kernel was updated to 4.19.37-3. * The boot menu has been sorted: (1) A menu using large font for console was added. (2) The menu about local OS booting has been improved (uEFI only). (3) A menu about entering uEFI firmware setup was added (uEFI only). (4) The info about GParted live was added in the boot menu (uEFI only). * Bug fixed: PXE booting with FQDN tftp server name now is working. Ref: -- Steven Shiau Thu, 30 May 2019 09:15:00 +0800 GParted live 1.0.0-beta1-2 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2019/May/25). * Boot menu typo fixed: It is GParted live, not Clonezilla live. * Hang issue when exiting live session was fixed by updating live-tools. * Bug fixed: PXE booting with FQDN tftp server name now is working. Ref: -- Steven Shiau Sat, 25 May 2019 21:07:00 +0800 GParted live 1.0.0-beta1-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2019/May/23). * New upstream GParted 1.0.0-beta1. It's compiled with new dependence gtkmm3 and with options --disable-libparted-dmraid --disable-doc. * Linux kernel was updated to 4.19.37-3. * The boot menu has been sorted: (1) A menu using large font for console was added. (2) The menu about local OS booting has been improved (uEFI only). (3) A menu about entering uEFI firmware setup was added (uEFI only). (4) The info about GParted live was added in the boot menu (uEFI only). -- Steven Shiau Fri, 23 May 2019 12:20:00 +0800 GParted live 0.33.0-2 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2019/Mar/21). * Linux kernel was updated to 4.19.28-2. * Package leafpad was replaced by geany since it's no more in Debian respository. * This release should support uEFI secure boot mechanism. -- Steven Shiau Fri, 22 Mar 2019 08:16:00 +0800 GParted live 0.33.0-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2018/Dec/14). * Linux kernel was updated to 4.18.20-2. * New upstream GParted 0.33.0. It's compiled with options --disable-libparted-dmraid --disable-doc. -- Steven Shiau Fri, 14 Dec 2018 11:57:00 +0800 GParted live 0.32.0-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2018/Aug/23). * Linux kernel was updated to 4.17.17-1. * New upstream GParted 0.32.0. It's compiled with options --disable-libparted-dmraid --disable-doc. -- Steven Shiau Thu, 23 Aug 2018 13:25:00 +0800 GParted live 0.32.0-beta1-2 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2018/Aug/17). * Linux kernel was updated to 4.17.14-1. * New upstream GParted 0.32.0-beta1. It's compiled with options --disable-libparted-dmraid --disable-doc. -- Steven Shiau Fri, 17 Aug 2018 15:39:00 +0800 GParted live 0.31.0-2 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2018/May/11). * Linux kernel was updated to 4.16.5-1. * Parted was updated to 3.2-21. Debian has applied patches for FAT (#840709, 840710). -- Steven Shiau Fri, 11 May 2018 20:40:00 +0800 GParted live 0.31.0-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2018/Mar/20). * Linux kernel was updated to 4.15.4-1. * Parted was updated to 3.2-20.drbl1, a patched version of (lib)parted. See: * New upstream GParted 0.31.0. It's compiled with options --disable-libparted-dmraid --disable-doc, and the patched parted to address these 2 issues: 1. fat(32) resizing generates boot sector(s) with invalid jump instruction and pseudo-random boot code 2. Check FAT32 fs crashes GParted -- Steven Shiau Tue, 20 Mar 2018 11:16:00 +0800 GParted live 0.30.0-6 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2017/Dec/20). * Linux kernel was updated to 4.14.2-1. * This released was built with live-build 1:20170920.drbl2. * Package liv-boot was updated to 1:20170623.drbl1, and live-config was updated to 5.20170914.drbl1. -- Steven Shiau Wed, 20 Dec 2017 06:47:00 +0800 GParted live 0.30.0-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2017/Oct/11). * Linux kernel was updated to 4.13.4-1. * New upstream GParted 0.30.0. It's compiled with options --disable-libparted-dmraid --disable-doc, and the patched parted to address these 2 issues: 1. fat(32) resizing generates boot sector(s) with invalid jump instruction and pseudo-random boot code 2. Check FAT32 fs crashes GParted -- Steven Shiau Wed, 11 Oct 2017 11:37:00 +0800 GParted live 0.30.0-beta1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2017/Oct/05). * Linux kernel was updated to 4.13.4-1. * New upstream GParted 0.30.0.beta1. It's compiled with options --disable-libparted-dmraid --disable-doc, and the patched parted to address these 2 issues: 1. fat(32) resizing generates boot sector(s) with invalid jump instruction and pseudo-random boot code 2. Check FAT32 fs crashes GParted -- Steven Shiau Thu, 05 Oct 2017 10:41:00 +0800 GParted live 0.29.0-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2017/Aug/08). * Package udftools was added. * Linux kernel was updated to 4.11.11-1. * New upstream GParted 0.29.0. It's compiled with options --disable-libparted-dmraid --disable-doc, and the patched parted to address these 2 issues: 1. fat(32) resizing generates boot sector(s) with invalid jump instruction and pseudo-random boot code 2. Check FAT32 fs crashes GParted -- Steven Shiau Tue, 08 Aug 2017 22:22:00 +0800 GParted live 0.28.1-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2017/Feb/18). * Linux kernel was updated to 4.9.6-3. * New upstream GParted 0.28.1. It's compiled with options --disable-libparted-dmraid --disable-doc, and the patched parted to address these 2 issues: 1. fat(32) resizing generates boot sector(s) with invalid jump instruction and pseudo-random boot code 2. Check FAT32 fs crashes GParted -- Steven Shiau Sat, 18 Feb 2017 15:56:00 +0800 GParted live 0.28.0-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2017/Feb/15). * Linux kernel was updated to 4.9.6-3. * New upstream GParted 0.28.0. It's compiled with options --disable-libparted-dmraid --disable-doc, and the patched parted to address these 2 issues: 1. fat(32) resizing generates boot sector(s) with invalid jump instruction and pseudo-random boot code 2. Check FAT32 fs crashes GParted -- Steven Shiau Wed, 15 Feb 2017 09:18:00 +0800 GParted live 0.28.0-beta1-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2017/Feb/13). * Linux kernel was updated to 4.9.6-3. * New upstream GParted 0.28.0-beta1. It's compiled with options --disable-libparted-dmraid --disable-doc, and the patched parted to address these 2 issues: 1. fat(32) resizing generates boot sector(s) with invalid jump instruction and pseudo-random boot code 2. Check FAT32 fs crashes GParted -- Steven Shiau Mon, 13 Feb 2017 14:45:00 +0800 GParted live 0.27.0-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2016/Oct/20). * Linux kernel was updated to 4.7.6-1. * New upstream GParted 0.27.0. It's compiled with options --disable-libparted-dmraid --disable-doc, and the patched parted to address these 2 issues: 1. fat(32) resizing generates boot sector(s) with invalid jump instruction and pseudo-random boot code 2. Check FAT32 fs crashes GParted -- Steven Shiau Thu, 20 Oct 2016 09:49:00 +0800 GParted live 0.27.0-beta1-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2016/Oct/11). * Linux kernel was updated to 4.7.6-1. * New upstream GParted 0.27.0-beta1. It's compiled with options --disable-libparted-dmraid --disable-doc, and the patched parted to address these 2 issues: 1. fat(32) resizing generates boot sector(s) with invalid jump instruction and pseudo-random boot code 2. Check FAT32 fs crashes GParted -- Steven Shiau Tue, 11 Oct 2016 21:25:00 +0800 GParted live 0.26.1-5 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2016/Jul/23). * New upstream fluxbox 1.3.7+git7525226-drbl3. The window bars missing issue is gone. -- Steven Shiau Sat, 23 Jun 2016 17:00:00 +0800 GParted live 0.26.1-4 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2016/Jul/22). * Add package xserver-xorg-legacy so that no need to use workaround for virtualbox to enter X. Ref: -- Steven Shiau Fri, 22 Jun 2016 15:08:00 +0800 GParted live 0.26.1-3 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2016/Jul/21). * Linux kernel was updated to 4.6.4-1. * Enable ejecting CD feature again, with that patched live-tools 20151214+nmu1.drbl1 ( -- Steven Shiau Thu, 21 Jun 2016 19:12:00 +0800 GParted live 0.26.1-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2016/Jun/14). * Linux kernel was updated to 4.6.1-1. * New upstream GParted 0.26.1. It's compiled with options --disable-libparted-dmraid --disable-doc, and the patched parted to address these 2 issues: 1. fat(32) resizing generates boot sector(s) with invalid jump instruction and pseudo-random boot code 2. Check FAT32 fs crashes GParted -- Steven Shiau Tue, 14 Jun 2016 09:37:00 +0800 GParted live 0.26.1-beta1-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2016/Jun/07). * Linux kernel was updated to 4.5.5-1. * New upstream GParted 0.26.1-beta1. It's compiled with options --disable-libparted-dmraid --disable-doc, and the patched parted to address these 2 issues: 1. fat(32) resizing generates boot sector(s) with invalid jump instruction and pseudo-random boot code 2. Check FAT32 fs crashes GParted -- Steven Shiau Tue, 07 Jun 2016 12:19:00 +0800 GParted live 0.26.0-2 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2016/May/05). * Linux kernel was updated to 4.5.2-1. * "To RAM" option failed, so reverted to older version of busybox. Ref: -- Steven Shiau Thu, 05 May 2016 16:06:00 +0800 GParted live 0.26.0-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2016/Apr/29). * New upstream GParted 0.26.0. It's compiled with options --disable-libparted-dmraid --disable-doc, and the patched parted to address these 2 issues: 1. fat(32) resizing generates boot sector(s) with invalid jump instruction and pseudo-random boot code 2. Check FAT32 fs crashes GParted * Linux kernel was updated to 4.5.1-1. * New package ca-certificate was added. * Disable hotkey ALT+F5 to avoid killing program accidentally. -- Steven Shiau Fri, 29 Apr 2016 13:27:00 +0800 GParted live 0.26.0-beta1-2 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2016/Apr/21). * New upstream GParted 0.26.0-beta1. Compiled with options --disable-libparted-dmraid --disable-doc. * Linux kernel was updated to 4.5.1-1. * New package ca-certificate was added. -- Steven Shiau Thu, 21 Apr 2016 15:55:00 +0800 GParted live 0.26.0-beta1-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2016/Apr/20). * New upstream GParted 0.26.0-beta1. * Linux kernel was updated to 4.5.1-1. -- Steven Shiau Wed, 20 Apr 2016 17:59:00 +0800 GParted live 0.25.0-3 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2016/Feb/18). * Package calcoo instead of qalculate-gtk was added for GParted live. It makes GParted live smaller. -- Steven Shiau Thu, 18 Feb 2016 13:25:00 +0800 GParted live 0.25.0-2 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2016/Feb/17). * Linux kernel was updated to 4.3.5-1. * Package testdisk was updated to 7.0. Thanks to CJ. * Package qalculate-gtk was added. Thanks Jürgen Kowalzik for this suggestion. -- Steven Shiau Wed, 17 Feb 2016 09:37:00 +0800 GParted live 0.25.0-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2016/Jan/19). * New GParted 0.25.0. * Linux kernel was updated to 4.3.3-5. Due to the change in Debian repository, no more i586 linux kernel, so now GParted live only provides i686, i686-pae and amd64 releases. -- Steven Shiau Wed, 20 Jan 2016 07:49:00 +0800 GParted live 0.25.0-beta1-3 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2016/Jan/14). * Recompiled GParted with options "--disable-libparted-dmraid --disable-doc" -- Steven Shiau Thu, 14 Jan 2016 14:29:00 +0800 GParted live 0.25.0-beta1-2 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2016/Jan/13). * New GParted 0.25.0-beta1. * Linux kernel was updated to 4.3.3-5. Due to the change in Debian repository, no more i586 linux kernel, so now GParted live only provides i686, i686-pae and amd64 release. -- Steven Shiau Wed, 13 Jan 2016 13:22:00 +0800 GParted live 0.24.0-2 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2015/Oct/28). * New GParted 0.24.0. * Bug fixed: vi instead of vim existing on system. Thanks to echristopherson. ( -- Steven Shiau Wed, 28 Oct 2015 22:27:00 +0800 GParted live 0.23.0-2 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2015/Aug/06). * Package zerofree was added. * GParted 0.23.0 was recomplied on Debian Sid with updated libs. -- Steven Shiau Mon, 17 Jul 2015 17:10:00 +0800 GParted live 0.23.0-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2015/Aug/06). * New GParted 0.23.0. * Linux kernel was updated to 4.1.3-1. -- Steven Shiau Thu, 06 Jul 2015 11:22:00 +0800 GParted live 0.23.0-beta1-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2015/Jul/27). * Linux kernel was updated to 4.0.8-1. -- Steven Shiau Mon, 27 Jul 2015 13:56:00 +0800 GParted live 0.22.0-3 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2015/Jun/19). * Linux kernel was updated to 4.0.5-1. * Package xorg-server was patched to fixed a VESA graphic issue. ( -- Steven Shiau Fri, 19 Jun 2015 22:07:00 +0800 GParted live 0.22.0-2 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2015/May/22). * Linux kernel was updated to 4.0.2-1. * Using "isohybrid --uefi" to make dd iso file work for uEFI machine. Thanks to Patrick Verner and Kubuist for this. -- Steven Shiau Sun, 24 May 2015 20:53:00 +0800 GParted live 0.22.0-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2015/Mar/23). * New GParted release 0.22.0. -- Steven Shiau Tue, 23 Mar 2015 09:23:00 +0800 GParted live 0.22.0-beta1-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2015/Mar/15). * New GParted release 0.22.0-beta1. -- Steven Shiau Sun, 15 Mar 2015 22:04:00 +0800 GParted live 0.21.0-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2015/Jan/27). * New GParted release 0.21.0. * The version of i486 is replaced by i586 one. -- Steven Shiau Tue, 27 Jan 2015 16:19:00 +0800 GParted live 0.21.0-beta1-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2015/Jan/19). * New GParted release 0.21.0-beta1. * Linux kernel was updated to 3.16.7-ckt4-1. -- Steven Shiau Mon, 19 Jan 2015 13:59:00 +0800 GParted live 0.20.0-3 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2014/Oct/27). * A workaround was added to make GParted live iso boot from PXE. Due to some reason this only works for AMD64 version. -- Steven Shiau Mon, 27 Oct 2014 19:59:00 +0800 GParted live 0.20.0-2 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2014/Oct/24). * Adding package syslinux-efi. * Bug fixed: missing required packages syslinux-utils. * Bug fixed: /sbin/start-stop-daemon was missing. -- Steven Shiau Fri, 24 Oct 2014 13:18:00 +0800 GParted live 0.20.0-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2014/Oct/24). * New GParted release 0.20.0. * The descriptions and layout about exit icon were improved. * Bug fixed: Incorrect language title for locale pt_BR ( -- Steven Shiau Fri, 24 Oct 2014 07:50:00 +0800 GParted live 0.20.0-beta2 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2014/Oct/16). * The descriptions about exit icon were improved. -- Steven Shiau Fri, 17 Oct 2014 12:25:00 +0800 GParted live 0.20.0-beta1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2014/Oct/14). * New GParted release 0.20.0-beta. -- Steven Shiau Tue, 14 Oct 2014 15:51:00 +0800 GParted live 0.19.1-4 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2014/Aug/29). * Program MC_HxEd was removed from GParted live because it's not maintained anymore. * Program zenity instead of gdialog is used in gl-shutdown-menu. -- Steven Shiau Fri, 29 Aug 2014 14:05:00 +0800 GParted live 0.19.1-3 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2014/Aug/28). * Package gparted was recompiled with parted lib 3.2-5. -- Steven Shiau Thu, 28 Aug 2014 20:49:00 +0800 GParted live 0.19.1-2 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2014/Aug/27). * Linux kernel was updated to 3.14.15-2. * Package parted was updated to 3.2-5. * Package syslinux was updated to 6.03~pre19+dfsg-3. -- Steven Shiau Wed, 27 Aug 2014 15:11:00 +0800 GParted live 0.19.1-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2014/Jul/16). * New GParted release 0.19.1. * Linux kernel was updated to 3.14.12-1. -- Steven Shiau Wed, 16 Jul 2014 16:46:00 +0800 GParted live 0.19.1-beta1-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2014/Jul/10). * New GParted release 0.19.1-beta1. * Linux kernel was updated to 3.14.10-1. * Syslinux was updated to 6.03-pre18. -- Steven Shiau Thu, 10 Jul 2014 11:24:00 +0800 GParted live 0.19.0-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2014/Jun/11). * New GParted release 0.19.0. * Linux kernel was updated to 3.14.5-1. * Syslinux was updated to 6.03-pre13. -- Steven Shiau Mon, 11 Jun 2014 08:38:00 +0800 GParted live 0.19.0-beta1-3 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2014/Jun/09). * Package dmraid and kpartx are reverted to use that from Debian repository. * Drop the "--enable-libparted-dmraid" configure flag for GParted. -- Steven Shiau Mon, 06 Jun 2014 14:56:00 +0800 GParted live 0.19.0-beta1-2 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2014/Jun/08). * Package dmraid and kpartx are from Ubuntu repository and compiled on Debian Sid. * Due to the "eject" command delay issue, the eject prompt is removed when booting or halting machine. GParted live 0.19.0-beta1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2014/Jun/04). * New GParted release 0.19.0-beta1. -- Steven Shiau Thu, 04 Jun 2014 21:30:00 +0800 GParted live 0.18.0-5 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2014/May/15). * Linux kernel was updated to 3.14.4-1. * Packages, lsof, psmisc, dnsutils, wget, ftp, bzip2, zip, unzip, w3m and gsmartcontrol were added in GParted live. Thanks to Alexandros Manoussakis and ronbaby for the suggestions. * Startup page of netsurf was assigned to GParted live manual. Thanks to ronbaby for this suggestion. -- Steven Shiau Thu, 15 May 2014 22:51:00 +0800 GParted live 0.18.0-3 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2014/Apr/26). * Linux kernel was updated to 3.13.10-1. * Bug fixed: The background image of EFI boot loader was not shown correctly. Thanks to Ady for reporting this issue. -- Steven Shiau Sat, 26 Apr 2014 16:21:00 +0800 GParted live 0.18.0-2 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2014/Apr/10). * Linux kernel was updated to 3.13.7-1. * Grub was updated to 2.02~beta2-8. * Packages screen, rsync, iputils-ping, telnet, traceroute and bc were added. Thanks to Alexandros Manoussakis (alex _at_ juniper net) for this suggestion. * Bug fixed: ssh host key protocal ed25519 was not generated during boot. Thanks to Alexandros Manoussakis (alex _at_ juniper net) for this bug report. -- Steven Shiau Thu, 10 Apr 2014 14:36:00 +0800 GParted live 0.18.0-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2014/Feb/18). * New GParted release 0.18.0. -- Steven Shiau Thu, 20 Feb 2014 10:16:00 +0800 GParted live 0.18.0-beta1-2 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2014/Feb/18). * Bug fixed: Forcevideo prompt was missing. -- Steven Shiau Tue, 18 Feb 2014 20:56:00 +0800 GParted live 0.18.0-beta1-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2014/Feb/13). * New GParted release 0.18.0-beta1. * Linux kernel was updated to 3.12.9-1. -- Steven Shiau Thu, 13 Feb 2014 11:09:00 +0800 GParted live 0.17.0-5 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2014/Jan/21). * The "syslinux" and "isolinux" dirs of GParted live have been unified as one dir "syslinux". Thanks to Ady (ady-sf _at_ hotmail com) for this suggestion. * Linux kernel was updated to 3.12.6-2. -- Steven Shiau Tue, 20 Jan 2014 15:22:00 +0800 GParted live 0.17.0-4 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2013/Dec/29). * Bug fixed: some parameters were missing in the isolinux and syslinux config files of the zip release. -- Steven Shiau Sun, 29 Dec 2013 19:16:00 +0800 GParted live 0.17.0-3 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2013/Dec/26). * Linux kernel was updated to 3.12.6-1. * Syslinux was updated to 6.03-pre1. -- Steven Shiau Thu, 26 Dec 2013 23:10:00 +0800 GParted live 0.17.0-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2013/Dec/13). * New GParted release 0.17.0. * Linux kernel was updated to 3.11.10-1. -- Steven Shiau Fri, 13 Dec 2013 10:16:00 +0800 GParted live 0.17.0-beta2-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2013/Dec/05). * New GParted release 0.17.0-beta2. -- Steven Shiau Thu, 05 Dec 2013 23:11:00 +0800 GParted live 0.17.0-beta1-2 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2013/Dec/01). * GParted was compiled with option --enable-online-resize. -- Steven Shiau Mon, 02 Dec 2013 08:20:00 +0800 GParted live 0.17.0-beta1-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2013/Dec/01). * New GParted release 0.17.0-beta1. -- Steven Shiau Sun, 01 Dec 2013 11:05:00 +0800 GParted live 0.16.2-12 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2013/Nov/27). * Linux kernel was updated to 3.11.8-1. -- Steven Shiau Thu, 28 Nov 2013 20:55:00 +0800 GParted live 0.16.2-11 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2013/Nov/13). * Linux kernel was updated to 3.11.7-1. * Boot loader isolinux and syslinux were updated to 6.02 with patches for local boot. -- Steven Shiau Wed, 13 Nov 2013 13:51:00 +0800 GParted live 0.16.2-9 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2013/Oct/28). * Linux kernel was updated to 3.11.6-1. * Boot loader isolinux and syslinux were updated to 6.02. -- Steven Shiau Tue, 28 Oct 2013 08:55:00 +0800 GParted live 0.16.2-6 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2013/Oct/03). * This release was built with live-build 3, so the live-boot was updated to 3.0.1-1.drbl3, and live-config was updated to 3.0.23-1.drbl2. -- Steven Shiau Thu, 03 Oct 2013 22:59:00 +0800 GParted live 0.16.2-3 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2013/Sep/26). -- Steven Shiau Thu, 26 Sep 2013 14:52:00 +0800 GParted live 0.16.2-1b * This is a remastered version due to the iso files created by genisoimage won't boot on some machinies. All the files are the same with that of 0.16.2-1, the only difference is the way iso files were created. -- Steven Shiau Tue, 24 Sep 2013 08:54:00 +0800 GParted live 0.16.2-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2013/Sep/19). * GParted was updated to 0.16.2. -- Steven Shiau Thu, 19 Sep 2013 16:10:00 +0800 GParted live 0.16.2-beta1-2 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2013/Sep/12). * GParted was updated to 0.16.2-beta1. * Linux kernel was updated to 3.10.11-1. -- Steven Shiau Thu, 12 Sep 2013 12:58:00 +0800 GParted live 0.16.1-4 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2013/Jun/28). * Linux kernel was updated to 3.9.6-1. -- Steven Shiau Fri, 28 Jun 2013 08:25:00 +0800 GParted live 0.16.1-2 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2013/May/09). * Linux kernel was updated to 3.8.11-1. -- Steven Shiau Thu, 09 May 2013 17:03:00 +0800 GParted live 0.16.1-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2013/May/01). * New GParted release 0.16.1. -- Steven Shiau Wed, 01 May 2013 10:52:00 +0800 GParted live 0.16.0-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2013/Apr/25). * New GParted release 0.16.0. * Linux kernel was updated to 3.2.41-2. * Package f2fs-tools was added. -- Steven Shiau Thu, 25 Apr 2013 10:04:00 +0800 GParted live 0.15.0-3 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2013/Mar/27). * Linux kernel was updated to 3.2.41-1. * Bug fixed: GParted live iso file was not isohybrided. Thanks to cvbn for reporting this issue. * Bug fixed: fluxbox menu key function failed to start in GParted live. -- Steven Shiau Thu, 27 Mar 2013 15:25:00 +0800 GParted live 0.15.0-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2013/Mar/20). * New GParted release 0.15.0. * Linux kernel was updated to be 3.2.39-2. -- Steven Shiau Wed, 20 Mar 2013 11:03:00 +0800 GParted live 0.14.1-6 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2012/Dec/23). * Two more underlying GNU/Linux operating systems were released: i686-PAE (Physical Address Extension) and AMD64 (X86-64). * Linux kernel was updated to be 3.2.35-2. -- Steven Shiau Thu, 27 Dec 2012 08:15:00 +0800 GParted live 0.14.1-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2012/Dec/13). * New GParted release 0.14.1. -- Steven Shiau Thu, 13 Dec 2012 03:59:00 +0800 GParted live 0.14.1-beta1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2012/Dec/07). * New GParted release 0.14.1-beta1. -- Steven Shiau Fri, 07 Dec 2012 08:38:00 +0800 GParted live 0.14.0-2 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2012/Oct/24). * Linux kernel was updated to be 3.2.32-1. -- Steven Shiau Wed, 24 Oct 2012 21:05:00 +0800 GParted live 0.14.0-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2012/Oct/11). * New GParted release 0.14.0. -- Steven Shiau Thu, 11 Oct 2012 15:11:00 +0800 GParted live 0.13.1-2 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2012/Aug/09). * New GParted release 0.13.1. -- Steven Shiau Thu, 09 Aug 2012 12:27:00 +0800 GParted live 0.13.1-beta1-3 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2012/Aug/04). * Bug fixed: /etc/resolv.conf not created during booting. -- Steven Shiau Sun, 05 Aug 2012 08:46:00 +0800 GParted live 0.13.1-beta1-2 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2012/Aug/03). * Bug fixed: wrong GParted. Should use new GParted release 0.13.1-beta1. -- Steven Shiau Fri, 03 Aug 2012 10:45:00 +0800 GParted live 0.13.1-beta1-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2012/Aug/02). * New GParted release 0.13.1-beta1. -- Steven Shiau Thu, 02 Aug 2012 19:27:00 +0800 GParted live 0.13.0-3 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2012/Jul/28). * Linux kernel was updated to be 3.2.23-1. * Packages leafpad and pcmanfm were added. * The man packages of commands were included. -- Steven Shiau Sat, 28 Jul 2012 10:31:00 +0800 GParted live 0.13.0-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2012/Jul/14). * New GParted release 0.13.0. * Linux kernel was updated to be 3.2.21-3. -- Steven Shiau Sat, 14 Jul 2012 01:15:00 +0800 GParted live 0.12.1-6 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2012/Jun/19). * Linux kernel was updated to be 3.2.20-1. -- Steven Shiau Tue, 19 Jun 2012 21:04:00 +0800 GParted live 0.12.1-5 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2012/May/20). * Linux kernel was updated to be 3.2.17-1. * Package gptsync was added. -- Steven Shiau Sun, 20 May 2012 09:47:00 +0800 GParted live 0.12.1-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2012/Apr/10). * Linux kernel was updated to be 3.2.14-1. * New GParted release 0.12.1. -- Steven Shiau Tue, 10 Apr 2012 09:47:00 +0800 GParted live 0.12.0-5 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2012/Mar/03). * Linux kernel was updated to be 3.2.9-1. * Packages smartmontools and cifs-utils were added. -- Steven Shiau Thu, 08 Mar 2012 13:47:00 +0800 GParted live 0.12.0-2 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2012/Feb/22). * Replacing dillo with netsurf, and adding nilfs-tools. -- Steven Shiau Thu, 23 Feb 2012 10:53:00 +0800 GParted live 0.12.0-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2012/Feb/22). * Linux kernel was updated to be 3.2.6-1. * New GParted release 0.12.0. -- Steven Shiau Wed, 22 Feb 2012 13:33:00 +0800 GParted live 0.11.0-12 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2012/Feb/08). * Linux kernel was updated to be 3.2.4-1. -- Steven Shiau Wed, 08 Feb 2012 20:21:00 +0800 GParted live 0.11.0-11 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2012/Jan/25). * Linux kernel was updated to be 3.2.1-2. -- Steven Shiau Fri, 27 Jan 2012 11:46:00 +0800 GParted live 0.11.0-10 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2012/Jan/11). * Linux kernel was updated to be 3.1.8-2. * Bug fixed: failed to PXE booting in a machine with 2 or more network cards. Thanks to ckre for reporting this issue. -- Steven Shiau Wed, 11 Jan 2012 15:41:00 +0800 GParted live 0.11.0-7 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2011/Dec/20). * The program gl-live-netcfg to configure network was added. * Web browser and network configure icons were added on desktop. -- Steven Shiau Tue, 20 Dec 2011 13:31:00 +0800 GParted live 0.11.0-2 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2011/Dec/14). * New GParted release 0.11.0. * Linux kernel was updated to 3.1.5-1. * Program ntfs-3g was updated to 2011.10.9AR.1-3. * Grub 2 instead of grub 1 is included in the release since most of the modern distributions use grub 2 already. -- Steven Shiau Wed, 14 Dec 2011 10:39:00 +0800 GParted live 0.10.0-3 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2011/Nov/2). * New GParted release 0.10.0. * The deprecated icon "info" was removed. -- Steven Shiau Wed, 02 Nov 2011 20:41:00 +0800 GParted live 0.10.0-beta1-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2011/Oct/25). * New GParted release 0.10.0-beta1. -- Steven Shiau Tue, 25 Oct 2011 23:14:00 +0800 GParted live 0.9.1-5 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2011/Oct/15). * Linux kernel was updated to 3.0.0-5. * Gdisk was updated to 0.8.1. * EFI booting was improved. -- Steven Shiau Sat, 15 Oct 2011 20:47:00 +0800 GParted live 0.9.1-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2011/Sep/20). * New GParted release 0.9.1. * Linux kernel was updated to 3.0.0-3. * Gdisk was updated to 0.8.0. -- Steven Shiau Tue, 20 Sep 2011 08:55:00 +0800 GParted live 0.9.0-7 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2011/Jul/28). * Bug fixed: Packages ntfs-3g and libntfs3g were downgraded to 2011.1.15AR.4-2. ( * Gdisk was updated to 0.7.2, and compiled without unicode support. Therefore no more libicu44 is included. This makes the GParted live iso file smaller by about 6 MB. -- Steven Shiau Thu, 28 Jul 2011 10:54:00 +0800 GParted live 0.9.0-6 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2011/Jul/23). * New gparted 0.9.0. * Parted was rolled back to 0.2.3-7 with the patch file fix-head-size-assertion.patch from Ubuntu. -- Steven Shiau Sat, 23 Jul 2011 7:19:00 +0800 GParted live 0.9.0-3 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2011/Jul/19). * New gparted 0.9.0. * New parted 0.3.0. -- Steven Shiau Tue, 19 Jul 2011 17:09:00 +0800 GParted live 0.8.1-6 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2011/Jul/07). * Linux kernel was updated to 2.6.39-3. -- Steven Shiau Thu, 07 Jul 2011 21:42:00 +0800 GParted live 0.8.1-5 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2011/Jul/05). * Kernel 2.6.39-2 is used. * Xz compression instead of gzip method was used when making squashfs and initrd. Therefore the GParted live iso or zip file is smaller by ~ 24 MB. -- Steven Shiau Tue, 05 Jul 2011 14:45:00 +0800 GParted live 0.8.1-3 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2011/May/24). * New gparted 0.8.1. * Kernel 2.6.38-5 is used. -- Steven Shiau Tue, 24 Mar 2011 20:45:00 +0800 GParted live 0.8.0-5 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2011/Mar/21). * Kernel 2.6.38-1 is used. * Package ssh was added in this release. //NOTE// By default ssh service is not started, and if you want to start it, make sure you have change the password and the file /etc/hosts.deny. -- Steven Shiau Mon, 21 Mar 2011 09:12:00 +0800 GParted live 0.8.0-3 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2011/Mar/02). * Kernel 2.6.37-2 is used. -- Steven Shiau Wed, 02 Mar 2011 21:16:00 +0800 GParted live 0.8.0-2 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2011/Feb/28). * Bug fixed: a workaround was added to make setxkbmap work. Thanks to Ejis for the bug report. -- Steven Shiau Mon, 28 Feb 2011 13:29:00 +0800 GParted live 0.8.0-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2011/Feb/17). * New gparted 0.8.0. -- Steven Shiau Sat, 17 Feb 2011 11:04:00 +0800 GParted live 0.7.1-5 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2011/Jan/07). * A new boot menu background was used in this release. -- Steven Shiau Fri, 07 Jan 2011 11:02:00 +0800 GParted live 0.7.1-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2010/Dec/15). * New gparted 0.7.1. * New gParted icon on desktop. -- Steven Shiau Wed, 15 Dec 2010 08:58:00 +0800 GParted live 0.7.0-11 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2010/Dec/11). * Bug fixed: Failed to load keymap issue has been fixed. * Bug fixed: No grub1 was available. Now package grub-legacy (grub1) instead grub-pc (grub2) was installed. Both of grub-pc and grub-legacy deb packages are included in /root/pkg/grub/. * Package mount-gtk was removed. It can not be used to mount the device by selection, one still has to know the device name. -- Steven Shiau Sun, 12 Dec 2010 10:21:00 +0800 GParted live 0.7.0-7 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2010/Nov/26). * Package mount-gtk was added. -- Steven Shiau Fri, 26 Nov 2010 10:42:00 +0800 GParted live 0.7.0-4 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2010/Nov/05). * The boot paramater vga=788 was removed. -- Steven Shiau Sat, 06 Nov 2010 10:25:00 +0800 GParted live 0.7.0-3 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2010/Nov/05). * The modeset-related boot parameters (i915.modeset=0 xforcevesa radeon.modeset=0 nomodeset) were removed. -- Steven Shiau Fri, 05 Nov 2010 15:24:00 +0800 GParted live 0.7.0-2 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2010/Oct/30). * New gparted 0.7.0. * Syslinux was updated to 4.03. * Package btrfs-tools was added. -- Steven Shiau Tue, 30 Oct 2010 23:45:00 +0800 GParted live 0.7.0-beta1-2 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2010/Oct/26). * Kernel 2.6.32-26 is used. * New gparted 0.7.0-beta1. -- Steven Shiau Tue, 26 Oct 2010 09:36:00 +0800 GParted live 0.6.4-1 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2010/Oct/02). * Kernel 2.6.32-24 is used. * New gparted 0.6.4. * Live-config was updated to 2.0.7, and a shorter boot parameter "config" instead of "live-config" is used now. "live-config" is still a valid boot parameter, same as "config". -- Steven Shiau Sat, 02 Oct 2010 08:28:00 +0800 GParted live 0.6.3-3 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2010/Sep/25). * New gparted 0.6.3. * Live-boot and live-config are used in this release. Live-initramfs is no more. Therefore if you manage the boot paramters by yourself, you have to put extra boot parameter "live-config" to make live-config to work. * Due to live-config 2.0.6, the X window system now is run as normal user, no more as root. If you need to get root privileges, use "sudo", and there is no password required for the account "user" to run "sudo". -- Steven Shiau Sat, 25 Sep 2010 07:54:00 +0800 GParted live 0.6.2-8 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2010/Sep/06). * The utils dir is included in GParted live iso file. With this, we can put the files of GParted live iso on an USB stick and make it bootable with some commands. * Both gl_debug and gl-debug are the same boot parameters for GParted live debug mode. -- Steven Shiau Mon, 06 Sep 2010 14:34:00 +0800 GParted live 0.6.2-5 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2010/Sep/01). * This release was created by live-build and live-boot 2 and live-config 2 were used. An extra boot parameter "live-config" was added so it works for live-config. -- Steven Shiau Wed, 01 Sep 2010 06:17:00 +0800 GParted live 0.6.2-2 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2010/Aug/03). * New gparted 0.6.2. -- Steven Shiau Tue, 03 Aug 2010 09:40:00 +0800 GParted live 0.6.1-5 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2010/Jul/26). * Kernel 2.6.32-18 is used. * "radeon.modeset=0" was added in the boot parameter by default. -- Steven Shiau Mon, 26 Jul 2010 13:30:00 +0800 GParted live 0.6.1-4 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2010/Jul/21). * GParted was configured with --disable-doc -- Steven Shiau Wed, 21 Jul 2010 16:11:00 +0800 GParted live 0.6.1-2 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Squeeze repository (as of 2010/Jul/09). * New GParted release 0.6.1. -- Steven Shiau Fri, 09 Jul 2010 16:28:00 +0200 GParted live 0.6.0-7 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2010/Jul/05). * Parted was updated to 2.3. -- Steven Shiau Tue, 06 Jul 2010 00:09:00 +0800 GParted live 0.6.0-6 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2010/Jul/01). * More boot parameters (nomodeset, i915.modeset=1, xforcevesa) were added so that KMS of kernel won't make those VGA card blank. -- Steven Shiau Thu, 01 Jul 2010 09:25:00 +0800 GParted live 0.6.0-1 * New GParted release 0.6.0. * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2010/Jun/19). -- Steven Shiau Sat, 19 Jun 2010 13:46:00 +0800 GParted live 0.5.2-11 * Bug fixed: e2fsprogs "/lib/ version `BLKID_2.17' not found (required by mkfs.ext3)" issue was fixed. ( -- Steven Shiau Wed, 02 Jun 2010 09:57:00 +0800 GParted live 0.5.2-10 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Squeeze repository (as of 2010/Jun/01). * Kernel 2.6.32-14 from Debian Sid repository is used in this release. -- Steven Shiau Tue, 01 Jun 2010 08:53:00 +0800 GParted live 0.5.2-9 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2010/Apr/29). * Package parted was patches with libparted - don't canonicalize /dev/mapper paths;a=commit;h=c1eb485b9fd8919e18f192d678bc52b0488e6ee0, libparted: reenable use of BLKPG ioctls;a=commit;h=0e04d17386274fc218a9e6f9ae17d75510e632a3, and libparted: improve BLKPG error checking;a=commit;h=7165951dfb584aae2901ac3f1a28fe3624667f19 -- Steven Shiau Thu, 29 Apr 2010 16:59:00 +0800 GParted live 0.5.2-8 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2010/Apr/14). * Some non-free, but distributable firmware was added. -- Steven Shiau Wed, 14 Apr 2010 11:40:00 +0800 GParted live 0.5.2-7 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2010/Apr/12). * Kernel 2.6.32-11 is used. //NOTE// From this version of kernel, most of the hard drive will be /dev/sda, /dev/sdb... no more /dev/hda, /dev/hdb... * Package live-initramfs was updated to be 1.177.2-1drbl-1. * Boot parameter gl_keymap is deprecated. Now with only "keyb" we can assign the keymap. E.g. for Germany keyboard, you can use "keyb=de". -- Steven Shiau Mon, 12 Apr 2010 14:33:00 +0800 GParted live 0.5.2-5 * Bug fixed: An issue about failing to load keymap for X when boot parameter keyb and gl_kbd are assigned. -- Steven Shiau Wed, 24 Mar 2010 18:02:00 +0800 GParted live 0.5.2-3 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2010/Mar/24). * Package live-initramfs was updated to be 1.177.1-1drbl-1. -- Steven Shiau Wed, 24 Mar 2010 13:50:00 +0800 * New GParted 0.5.2. * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2010/Mar/09). Kernel 2.6.32-3 is used. -- Steven Shiau Tue, 09 Mar 2010 09:17:00 +0800 GParted live 0.5.1-3 * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2010/Feb/20). Kernel 2.6.32-2 is used. * A bug about nfs module failed to loaded was fixed. Thanks to sigpedag for this bug report. -- Steven Shiau Sun, 21 Feb 2010 00:04:00 +0800 GParted live 0.5.1-1 * New GParted 0.5.1. * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2010/Jan/26). -- Steven Shiau Tue, 26 Jan 2010 08:21:00 +0800 GParted live 0.5.0-3 * Based on Debian sid repository (2009/Dec/06). * The patches files from Fedora 12 for parted 1.9.0 were applied. This should fix a problem about creating more than one partition inside the Linux software RAID device. -- Steven Shiau Thu, 6 Dec 2009 22:18:00 +0800 GParted live 0.5.0-2 * Based on Debian sid repository (2009/Dec/04). * Package mdadm was added. -- Steven Shiau Thu, 4 Dec 2009 09:19:00 +0800 GParted live 0.5.0-1 * New GParted 0.5.0. * Based on Debian sid repository (2009/Dec/03). Kernel 2.6.31-2 is used. * Package live-initramfs is updated to be 1.157.4-6drbl. -- Steven Shiau Thu, 3 Dec 2009 20:09:00 +0800 GParted live 0.4.8-7 * Based on Debian sid repository (2009/Nov/18). Kernel 2.6.31-2 is used. * New feature: Now GParted live iso supports grub2 iso loopback boot. Check GParted website for how to edit your grub2 config file for this function. -- Steven Shiau Wed, 18 Nov 2009 18:31:00 +0800 GParted live 0.4.8-5 * Package libparted 1.8.8 was removed. -- Steven Shiau Mon, 16 Nov 2009 10:52:00 +0800 GParted live 0.4.8-4 * Based on Debian Sid repository (2009/Nov/13). Kernel 2.6.31-1 is used. * The package libparted is updated to libparted1.9 because a patch about commit-without-close was applied, and it should fix this issue -- Steven Shiau Mon, 16 Nov 2009 10:21:00 +0800 GParted live 0.4.8-3 * Based on Debian Sid repository (2009/Nov/13). Kernel 2.6.31-1 is used. -- Steven Shiau Fri, 13 Nov 2009 22:03:00 +0800 GParted live 0.4.8-2 * Based on Debian Sid repository (2009/Nov/13). * The package libparted is downgraded to libparted1.8 due to a problem of libparted1.9 on Linux kernel 2.6.30. -- Steven Shiau Fri, 13 Nov 2009 13:16:00 +0800 GParted live 0.4.8-1 * Based on Debian Sid repository (2009/Nov/03). * GParted is updated to 0.4.8. * The boot menu is more compact now. -- Steven Shiau Tue, 03 Nov 2009 09:42:00 +0800 GParted live 0.4.7-1 * Based on Debian Sid repository (2009/Sep/26). * GParted is updated to 0.4.7. * gdisk is updated to 0.5.0. * A bug about mtools was unable to run correctly was fixed. -- Steven Shiau Sat, 10 Oct 2009 23:13:00 +0800 GParted live 0.4.6-4 * Based on Debian Sid repository (2009/Sep/26), since a bug in Squeeze preventing us to create a live system. * Kernel 2.6.30-7 is used. * Package parted and libparted is upgraded to version 1.9.0. -- Steven Shiau Fri, 26 Sep 2009 00:46:00 +0800 GParted live 0.4.6-3 * Based on Debian Squeeze repository (2009/Sep/01). * Keep all the drivers of fs in the kernel. * Since Xdialog has been removed from squeeze due to the grave error, now zenity (gdialog) is used. -- Steven Shiau Tue, 01 Sep 2009 09:43:00 +0800 GParted live 0.4.6-2 * Based on Debian Squeeze repository (2009/Aug/31). -- Steven Shiau Mon, 31 Aug 2009 20:28:00 +0800 GParted live 0.4.5-5 * Package vim-tiny was added. Thanks to Jojo de Leon for this suggestion. -- Steven Shiau Sat, 25 Jul 2009 08:31:00 +0800 GParted live 0.4.5-4 * Based on Debian lenny repository on 2009/Jul/22, and kernel 2.6.30-3 from is used. -- Steven Shiau Wed, 22 Jul 2009 23:21:00 +0800 GParted live 0.4.5-3 * Based on Debian lenny repository on 2009/Jun/03, and kernel 2.6.29-5 from is used. * live-initramfs 1.157.2-1drbl is used. -- Steven Shiau Wed, 03 Jun 2009 23:16:00 +0800 GParted live 0.4.5-2 * Based on Debian lenny repository on 2009/May/17, but kernel 2.6.29-4 from is used. -- Steven Shiau Sun, 17 May 2009 16:06:00 +0800 GParted live 0.4.5-1 * New GParted 0.4.5. * Program isolinux/syslinux 3.80 is used. * Program was polished. Now syslinux is run without "-s" so the created USB flash drive can boot faster. * From this version, the released iso file is "isohybrided". Therefore you can use cat or dd to write the iso file to USB flash drive or hard drive. For more info, refer to ///NOTE/// By doing dd or cat the iso file to your USB flash drive or hard drive, ALL THE DATA ON YOUR FLASH DRIVE OR HRAD DRIVE WILL BE OVERWRITTEN! You have been warned! * A boot parameter live-netdev was add in live-initramfs so it can be used to assign the network device to get filesystem.squashfs when using with PXE server. * Bug fixed - Unable to eject CD when rebooting. -- Steven Shiau Sat, 09 Apr 2009 10:03:00 +0800 GParted live 0.4.4-2 * Kernel 2.6.29-3 is used now. -- Steven Shiau Sun, 26 Apr 2009 14:23:00 +0800 - 0.4.4-1 - New upstream GParted 0.4.4. - 0.4.3-4 - A boot parameter "noprompt" was added to "To RAM" boot menu so that it's not required to wait for confirmation during halting or rebooting. - Forcevideo was improved to work with some higher resolution modes. Thanks to pstein for this idea. - /usr/bin/xxd was added. - 0.4.3-3 - Font size of desktop icons was changed to be smaller in gparted live. - 0.4.3-2 - Based on stable Debian Lenny (repository on Feb/26/2009) - Created by live helper 1.0.4, and live initramfs 1.156.1 is used. - 0.4.3-1 - Based on Debian Lenny repository on Feb/13/2009 with linux kernel 2.6.26-13. - New upstream GParted 0.4.3. - Created by live helper 1.0.3, and live initramfs 1.156.1 is used. - 0.4.1-svn1 - Based on Debian Lenny repository on Jan/31/2009 with linux kernel 2.6.26-13. - GParted 0.4.2 pre-release ( is used. - 0.4.1-2 - Based on Debian Lenny repository on Dec/28/2008 with linux kernel 2.6.26-12. - 0.4.1-1 - New upstream GParted 0.4.1. - Based on Debian Lenny repository on Nov/30/2008 with linux kernel 2.6.26-10. - 0.4.0-1 - New GParted 0.4.0. - Based on Debian Lenny repository on Nov/29/2008 with linux kernel 2.6.26-10. - 0.3.9-13 - MC_HxEd for GParted live was added. See for more details. Thanks to cmdr for providing this GPL program. - 0.3.9-12 - Based on Debian Lenny repository on Nov/22/2008. Newer kernel 2.6.26-10. - Package cryptsetup was added in create-gparted-live. Thanks to Bodo P. Schmitz for this idea. - 0.3.9-10 - Based on repository of Debian lenny on Nov/12/2008. - Partimage was added. Thanks to James T Leland for this bug report. - 0.3.9-9 - Based on repository of Debian lenny on Nov/03/2008. - 0.3.9-8 - Based on repository of Debian lenny on Oct/27/2008. - 0.3.9-7 - Use -b 1024k when creating squashfs filesystem. This makes image file smaller. - Force to load module psmouse. - Some minor bugs were fixed. - 0.3.9-5 - Instead of entering X automatically, we can choose to configure xorg.conf first. - New mechanism to start gparted live: rc2.d/S99start-gparted-live. Two more boot parameters gl_numlk and gl_capslk were added to control numlock and scrlock. - Packages ifupdown and dhcp3-client was added in gparted live, so network config can be done now. - 0.3.9-4 - OS was minor updated. Use the repository of Debian lenny on Oct/1/2008. - 0.3.9-3 - Newer kernel 2.6.26-5. - 0.3.9-2 - Package hfsprogs was added. Thanks to Curtis Gedak. - 0.3.9-1 - New GParted 0.3.9. - VGA 1024x768 is used for framebuffer when booting. - The icon of USB on desktop was removed since it does not fit the way USB flash drive was made. - 0.3.8-9 - 3 boot parameters were added: gl_lang, gl_kbd, and gl_batch. Example: "gl_lang=en_US gl_kbd=NONE gl_batch" will use en_US.UTF-8 locale and do nothing about keyboard mapping change, and with gl_batch, gparted live won't wait for entering key before enter X. - 0.3.8-8 - New kernel 2.6.26. - Latest programs from Debian Lenny on 28/Aug/2008. - 0.3.8-5 - Bug fixed: We should keep more kernel driver modules in GParted live, especially acpi... - 0.3.8-4 - Updated with newer live-initramfs. - 0.3.8-3 - Bug fixed: fetch=tftp,http should be logged. - 0.3.8-2 - Updated with latest Debian Lenny. Therefore newer kernel 2.6.25-2-486 is used. - Support fetch=tftp://$IP/filesystem.squashfs function for PXE booting. - 0.3.8-1 - New GParted 0.3.8. - Bug fixed: When rebooting/halting, suppress the error messages about live system umounting. - 0.3.7-7 - Bug fixed: Forcevideo was broken. - Newer kernel 2.6.24-1-486 (2.6.24-7) is used. - 0.3.7-5 - X was updated to be 7.3 in Debian lenny, so "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" won't ask about VGA driver and resolution. They are automatically detected. A program grandr was added so that the screen resolution could be tuned dynamically. - 0.3.7-2 - Network modules were added so that PXE booting will work. - 0.3.7-1 - New GParted 0.3.7. - Based on Debian Lenny. - 0.3.6-9 - Newer kernel: 2.6.24-etchnhalf.1-486 (2.6.24~6) - 0.3.6-8 - New kernel from EtchAndAHalf is used: 2.6.24-etchnhalf.1-486 (2.6.24~5) - All the files in /var/log/ are not removed now, just make their sizes 0. - 0.3.6-7 - Live maintainer message was added in boot menu. - 0.3.6-6 - More messages were added in Forcevideo. - 0.3.6-5 - Bug fixed: /usr/sbin and /sbin should be in the system PATH so that casper can just run it. Thanks to Curtis Gedak. - 0.3.6-4 - A smaller font ttf-arphic-newsung instead of ttf-arphic-uming is used now. - 0.3.6-3 - mtools was added. - /sbin/vol_id is linked to /lib/udev/vol_id. - pciutils, discover1, xresprobe and mdetect were added so it's easier to detect hardware. - 0.3.6-2 - Forcevideo script was added so that it's easier to configure X. - 0.3.6-1 - Initial release for GParted 0.3.6. Steven Shiau