GParted News Item 164
25 April 2013: Possible thread timing issue with GParted 0.16.0
Since the release of GParted 0.16.0, we have discovered another potential issue with timing and multiple threads. This issue appears to occur on older GNU/Linux distributions. In fact the issue was not apparent in our testing of GParted 0.16.0 on recent distros.
For more details see Bug 695279 - GParted doesn't compile on RHEL / CentOS 5.9.
As a precaution we plan to keep GParted Live 0.16.0-1 in the testing directory while we work towards a fix for this newly identified issue.
Until this problem is resolved we continue to advise using the last stable release of GParted Live, which is GParted Live 0.14.1-6.